Data Science Days

2 October 2024, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science

data science
experience day

Explore your future career in Data Science

In a world filled with big data, data science professionals are in ever more demand from leading edge businesses. JADS and D.S.A. Pattern invite students and professionals working with big data to register for the Data Science Experience Day. The event is focused on inspiring data science students and young professionals to take the next step on their path to becoming a future-proof data scientist.

Company market

At the company market you can have close conversations with representatives from the participating companies. The representatives can tell you all about their company and the opportunities for data scientists. The company market is the perfect way to get an impression from one or multiple companies or to find out what field of data science sparks your interests.

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Company presentations

During the day there will also be several rounds with presentations. Each round will consist of a few presentations given by company representatives from different companies who work as data scientists themselves or have equivalent jobs. The presentations will give you insight into what a day in the life of a data scientist looks like.

All presentation sessions will be live-streamed from the beautiful chapel at the Marienburg convent. The links to the live-streams can be found on the website on the day of the event.

Training sessions

The training sessions are a good way to learn new skills for motivated visitors. These sessions can be given by companies, professionals or lecturers and are about a more specific topic. They will take 1.5 to 2 hours. This way experts can share knowledge about a skill that is useful in their company or field of work. 

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Business cases

During a business case, you will have the opportunity to work with other participants on a problem that is relevant to a specific company within their field of expertise. This way, you get the chance to gain more insight into what it is like to work for that company. The business case will last 90 minutes.

Business dinner

At the end of the day, an exclusive dinner will be held near the Marienburg campus. People participating in this dinner will be able to meet and network with several employees from the companies and ask questions to get an idea of what it is like to work there. During the dinner you will have more time to get to know the company or to present yourself. Please note that for this dinner limited spots are available.
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Participating companies

join the experience